A longer, full project presentation is available:

A longer, full project presentation is available:

> My role & project content

I was responsible for all phases of this project:

- Understand the user & opportunities
- Generating ideas
- Testing the designs
- Refining the designs

> Primary research

I conducted interviews with 5 people who stated they frequently go to the movies and identified two main user groups:

1 / Young adults who frequently go to the cinema and do not encounter significant issues when purchasing tickets through mobile applications. However, they are seeking customization options that bring additional benefits.

2 / People who enjoy going to the movies but often encounter difficulties while using basic options of mobile ticketing applications. They are looking for friendly, easy-to-use products.

2 / People who enjoy going to the movies but often encounter difficulties while using basic options of mobile ticketing applications. They are looking for friendly, easy-to-use products.

2 / People who enjoy going to the movies but often encounter difficulties while using basic options of mobile ticketing applications. They are looking for friendly, easy-to-use products.


1 / Anthony is a young moviegoer who loves to spend his free time with friends watching new films, he needs the app with additional features besides the ticketing one because it would make the experience of him and his friends fuller: before, during, and after every screening.

1 / Anthony is a young moviegoer who loves to spend his free time with friends watching new films, he needs the app with additional features besides the ticketing one because it would make the experience of him and his friends fuller: before, during, and after every screening.

1 / Anthony is a young moviegoer who loves to spend his free time with friends watching new films, he needs the app with additional features besides the ticketing one because it would make the experience of him and his friends fuller: before, during, and after every screening.

2 / Julia is a busy person who loves to spend time with her family and wants to overcome technological challenges, she needs a user-friendly movie theatre app that allows her to easily discover, select movies, and buy tickets because it would help her to make informed choices and enjoy movies with loved ones.

2 / Julia is a busy person who loves to spend time with her family and wants to overcome technological challenges, she needs a user-friendly movie theatre app that allows her to easily discover, select movies, and buy tickets because it would help her to make informed choices and enjoy movies with loved ones.

2 / Julia is a busy person who loves to spend time with her family and wants to overcome technological challenges, she needs a user-friendly movie theatre app that allows her to easily discover, select movies, and buy tickets because it would help her to make informed choices and enjoy movies with loved ones.


- Ticket prices and poor promotion informing
- Insufficient accessibility for people with different needs
- Lack of personalization options
- Lack of additional, enjoyable features

> User journey map

I analyzed the individual stages of the user journey for the goal: going to the cinema with friends. Thanks to the exercise, I identified certain opportunities:

The complete map is available in the:

> Competitive analysis

I conducted a comparison of competitive movie theatre apps available on the market to assess their strengths/weaknesses and identify existing gaps resulting in opportunities for my project.


The complete comparison is available in the:

The complete comparison is available in the:

The complete comparison is available in the:

> Goal statement

The app will allow users to fully enjoy the cinematic experience, which will affect both those who require straightforward, simple messages to use the product and those who are well-versed in new technologies by providing a user-friendly interface with easy navigation for foundational features (such as checking the repertoire and purchasing tickets), as well as additional options (for use before, during, and after the screening). The effectiveness will be measured by surveys assessing the usage of basic features and the level of engagement in additional activities.

> Generating ideas

The ideation process began with three questions ("how can we?" exercise) and creating a quick mix of solutions ("crazy 8" exercise):

1 / How can I provide a positive user experience of the movie theater app before the movie screening?

2 / How can I provide a positive user experience of the movie theater app on the day of the screening?

3 / How can I provide a positive user experience of the movie theater app after the screening takes place?

Later, I created two types of storyboards for specific scenario:

The Portal Theaters app allows users to purchase tickets, order snacks for the day of the screening, and collect points in the loyalty program, enabling them to save time and money or win rewards.

The complete storyboards with descriptions are available in the:

> Information architecture & user flows

I wanted the user flows to be simple but also to accommodate different methods for achieving the same goal, making navigation through the app easier and more enjoyable.

1. Searching for a screening

2. Ticket purchase

(one person pays for all)

3. Ticket purchase

(each person pays individually)

> Wireframes

The screen design began with creating low-fidelity wireframes for five main user flows.

The first three were related to searching for a screening, and the next two focused on purchasing a ticket with the option to order snacks and drinks from the bar.

1 / User goal: Searching for a screening BY: SEARCH BAR

1 / User goal: Searching for a screening BY: SEARCH BAR

2 / User goal: Searching for a screening by: Categories

2 / User goal: Searching for 

a screening by: Categories

3 / User goal: Searching for a screening by: Date & Time

4 / User goal: standard ticket purchase (one person pays for all)

4 / User goal: standard ticket purchase (one person pays for all)

5 / User goal: purchasing tickets with a group (each person pays individually)

This feature was created to: support business goals by:
- engaging users in interactions with other users (inviting people within the app),
- encouraging users to promote the product to friends (inviting people without the app).
In return, the user receives:
- a reward in the form of points in the loyalty program,
- the ability to split the bill for tickets (and, optionally, bar items): each participant pays individually.

5 / User goal: purchasing tickets with a group (each person pays individually)

This feature was created to: support business goals by:
- engaging users in interactions with other users (inviting people within the app),
- encouraging users to promote the product to friends (inviting people without the app).
In return, the user receives:
- a reward in the form of points in the loyalty program,
- the ability to split the bill for tickets (and, optionally, bar items): each participant pays individually.

More about wireframes of these and additional app features can be found in the:

More about wireframes of these and additional app features can be found in the: FULL VERSION OF THIS PROJECT →

> Usability study: round 1

I planned and conducted two rounds of usability study for the main app flows.

Tested fows:
- Search by title
- Search by categories (genres + date and time)
- Ticketing: standard and with the group


I simplified the names of the main tabs

Ticketing with the group:

3/5 participants confused "group ticketing" with buying more than one seat in the theater because they were previously asked to purchase a single ticket in the "standard ticketing" process. I used "ticketing with the group" instead of "group ticketing".

Standard ticketing: 

I revised the textual labels describing the process and added icons to improve accessibility. I also shortened the descriptions for all stages.

Ticketing with the group:
At first, the initiator used to make choices and then invited friends to purchase tickets and snacks. I altered the process order, so it begins with inviting friends. Since everyone participates together, the reservation time can be shorter.
The appearance of the tabs has been adjusted to align with standard ticketing (label + icon and shorter descriptions).

> Design system & components

After making changes to the wireframes, I moved on to defining the app's appearance.
I created the design system and components.

After making changes to the wireframes, I moved on to defining the app's appearance. I created the design system and components.

After making changes to the wireframes, I moved on to defining the app's appearance. I created the design system and components.

Thanks to these elements, mockups were created which I then combined into working prototypes and tested the solutions again.

A detailed presentation of hi-fi mockups is available in the:

> Usability study: round 2

Tested fows:
- Search by title
- Search by categories (genres + date and time)
- Ticketing: standard and with the group

Ticketing progress bar: 

I adjusted the shade of red to ensure an appropriate contrast ratio and added a green color to improve the readability of information about discounts applied.

Intro to ticketing: 

I changed the layout of the cards from vertical to horizontal to make it easier for new users to find the second option.

Ticket: I modified the ticket screen by implementing two separate tabs - one for the movie details and the other for snacks, to facilitate quicker and easier access to information.

Screening room view: 

I added shapes (texture) to the applied colors to better differentiate elements.

> Prototype

> Next steps

1. Testing additional flows and revising
2. Developing the app
3. Launching and acquiring users
4. Monitoring KPIs

Few KPIs for the Portal Theaters app:

- Average time required to purchase tickets using standard ticketing and ticketing with the group.
- Percentage of tickets sold through ticketing with the group relative to the total number of tickets.
- Conversion of external invitations during ticketing with the group into new app users.
- Frequency of ticket or snack purchases by a single user.
- The average value of the shopping cart for snacks and beverages.
- Percentage of profit from snack and beverage sales relative to the overall app revenue.
- Conversion rate of website visitors into app users.
- Number of active participants in the loyalty program.
- Frequency of using additional app features: random and quizzes (described in the
- Conversion of titles generated using the random function into ticket purchases.